The montly-based dataset was temporarily moved on Github in order to made easy analysis with R (or other packages) and to. allow user to fork it.
The entire dataset was temporarily moved on Softmining SMP Platform in order to allow user to analyze it with SMP tools.
Click here if you want to download montly-based open data from Github.
If you want to download the entire dataset, please refer to Softmining SMP website.
About Open Data
Contact tracing data collected anonymously is of enormous importance for assessing the impact of apps on containing the spread of viruses.
For this reason, we would like to thank again the more than 120000 people who decided to help us.
The data are available for scientific interest after registration.
The user, by downloading the data, agrees to properly cite Softmining website (please go here) and not to make commercial use of these data, nor to modify, redistribute or commercialize the entire database or any part of it.
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